Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Life goes on and Playing with my food

It's been a long and interesting past few weeks. We have delt with alot of illness...between Emma comming down with Pneumonia, a while back and all of us having a stomach virus, it's been very interesting around here. I spent the other day cleaning the LR carpet cuz it had gotten a healty dose of kid sick over the past 2 weeks. Thought it was time to break out the steam cleaner and give it a good once, twice, third and fourth, over...LOL. In other took quite a bit to get it clean and I am sure if I were to go over it again I'd proabably pull up just as much gunk as I already have. But I am very greatful that I have my own cleaner to do it with. It's a good thing.

Since my decision to go to culinary school, I have been playing around with food a little bit. I have made risotto, Alfredo sauce and a few other fun things. I had never done risotto before. It was alot easier than they make it look on Food Network.....LOL. Anyway, I decided I needed an outlet for my culinary adventures, so I made a new blog all about cooking and my school experiences. I sure hope you will come and take a look at it. I will be posting recipes and tips and all sorts of fun ideas there. I am sure it will be very educational....or at least I am hoping it will be. Come take a look when you get a moment or two. Okay...that's all for tonight. I am going to go eat some strawberry shortcake with the gotta love sping....we eat tons upon tons of strawberries when they come on sale in the spring. My kids anxiously for "strawberry season" every year. Later Gaters, Kai~!

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