Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mount Washmore

I am very grateful that I didn't live in the time before automatic washers and dryers. Gratitude not withstanding.....I DISPISE doing laundry!!! Well.....not the washing and drying. That's not so bad, but I can't stand folding and getting it all put away. Not real sure why. But due to my depression the amount of dirty laundry has gotten so piled up it is scary. It had taken over the back part of the house in the form of 4 overflowing hampers and all over the floor almost up to our knees. We had gotten afraid of walking through it for fear of some strange creature poping out at us. Something kind of like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. But I finally got sick of it. I'm still not feeling better, but I just couldn't stand to look at it any more. So yeasterday I braved Mount Washmore. I spent the whole day washing, drying, and folding laundry. Though I only did 6 loads, I managed to calm the beast to being only in the 4 hampers. Everything is up off the floor now. The biggest problem is that I have so much junk in my bedroom that I can't put it away. And it is all....YEP...Laundry! Most of it is clean and just needs to be put up. It's just getting time in there to do it without Emma up my butt. I think we have too many clothes. I know alot of people only have enough for everyone to have one outfit for every day of the week, but I don't think I could do that. But I am working on whittling it down. I did manage to get in my room this afternoon, with the help of big bubby to watch the monkey. I got almost all the clothes gone through and put away. I have 3 big black garbage bags full of things to go to the Goodwill. So it's a start. I need to put the clothes on the dryer away, but that has to wait until Emma is up from naps. Anyway....I managed to make myself a laundry schedual ala Flylady. I have tried her ideas in the past, but had a hard time keeping up with her schedual. Just too much for me. So I am gonna to try adjusting it to my needs. Which is her suggestion to begin with. I don't think I will ever have a perfect home, but I can't live like this much more. With or without my depression. I am really hoping that if I get help with my depression, I will be more able to do things. At least that is my prayer. least I did something. Most days I don't do much of anything at all, but sit on my butt and watch tv cuz my brain just won't let me move. I don't know what the change is, but I'm working on it. We'll see. to get more accomplished. Or maybe not. I'm not gonna push it. Slow and steady wins the race. Later Gaters. Love, Kai.

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