Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm alive.....

Sort of. I have started the ball rolling to finally get on some medication for my depression. It has gotten to the point that I cannot ignore it any longer. I have spent the last month sitting on my butt on the couch and doing barely anything that I am supposed to be doing. I can't keep up with anything cuz I can't make myself get up and do anything. I sometimes feel like I am walking into a wall just crossing the livingroom. I haven't been crying or anything like that, but it's been close. I've been trying not to complain about it much here in internet land, but I need to explain my absence. I am alive....sort of. But as soon as I can get seen by the State mental health people that my dh goes to...maybe I'll be able to do more and be better. That is my prayer. If I stay off and don't post you all know the reason. Cuz if it's not that I'm busy with family and kid stuff....but mostly it's been the depression. I just haven't had much to say that has been I just haven't said anything at all. So now you know. Later Gaters....gotta go get Josh from work. Kai

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