Well..........It's over. HELLoween is over...LOL. I suppose I would probably enjoy it more if I just broke down and bought my kids their costumes. Instead of making them. But what fun would that be. I know that they don't really care where the costumes come from. But then I wouldn't have the joy of making them.....But then I wouldn't have the headache either. I suppose I will decide along time for school to start next fall what I'm gonna do. I am pretty sure I will at least make the Emma's. They had lots and lots of fun, though. They went trunk or treating at our church and at my inlaws. Then door to door trick or treating Monday night. I put all thier candy together in a big bowl and am handing it out a piece at a time. My MIL said she just let her kid have their bags and eat it until it was gone. But I don't really like them to eat that much at a time. PLUS I don't want to deal with a fight when one is out and the other has some left and won't share. She said that they have to learn to deal with it sometime. But (((I))) am not willing to "deal" with the fighting. Mommy is a whimp...LOL. I have enough of arguing and fighting without putting candy in with it as it is. But it's over. THANK THE LORD!!!
Now, Mark and I are painting the windows at Family Dollar for Christmas. It's lots of fun, but also lots of work as well. I had 2 people ask me if I would do their windows while I was working on them last night. I hope this will turn into a little side business. That would be way COOL. I could get money for Christmas and maybe some for our trip in 3 weeks as well!!!
Going home for Thanksgiving!! I'm really psyched!!! Can't wait. We had SOOOO much fun last year. 3 WEEKS 3 WEEKS 3 WEEKS!!! YEA!!! LOL....I know, I know....I NUTS!!! But at least I'm in a good mood today.
Off I go. Got lots to do. Need to clean and shop and maybe finish the windows today. Catch you later gaters! Kai