Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday is a special day....

Well today is a busy day. We got up and going early and cashed my check from Loretta. Then made a trip to Sam's club...LOVE THAT PLACE!!! Anyway got some things there we needed along with come reduced pork ribs so we are having those bbq'ed in the oven with some oven fries and broccoli. Easy peasy. I am having a rough allergy is everyone....especially Emma. Have had to give her her inhailer lastnight and this morning. I feel so bad she is having such a hard time. I haven't been able to keep her well for more than a week all winter. I hope she gets better and stays better soon.
Marks new dosage of medicine is kicking in now and he is in a pretty good mood today. I am so grateful for modern medicine. He is fixin' to go to the store for me to get me some boxes so I can work on straightening my bedroom and get ready to have a yard sale soon. We have toooooo much JUNK around here and it is time to go through it and get rid of some!
Next chore is to find and prepare church clothes for tomorrow. I am hoping to make it this week. I am not 100% sure yet. It depends on how MEE MEE feels. I have been having a difficult time making it to church the past several months cuz of one sick person or the other. As long as she isn't coughing too bad I think I am going to go ahead and go. So off to make sure everyone's clothes are all washed and pressed. Kai

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