Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Just when all seems to be looking up.....just when I think I'm on a roll and starting to pull my head out of my ass and that we were going to be ok cuz Mark is working again. Just when I am now starting to enjoy the holidays I was dreading cuz I didn't know where Christmas was going to come from. Just when I thought my husband might have been able to get back to the place he wanted to be. Just when I thought I could relax, breath, feel good again if even for a brief moment......Things get all forked up!!! I am sooooo upset. Mark got a call from the temp agency that hired him for the bank job he started just 3 days ago....and they said the bank no longer needed his services. The reason being that he didn't show enough initive....????? one told him what they wanted of him. The didn't give him his own drawer. They didn't give him any kind of "training" because they were going to change their systems over...UM...TODAY. So for the first 2 days he didn't have much to do and today there wasn't much business cuz of the weather. We are both very upset....we had a huge fight...and I am at a loss. I just want to curl up and disapear. As I am sure he does as well. What next? How much more of this can we take? Where is He? Kai

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