Sunday, November 26, 2006

Off we go...

I am starting to follow my daily schedual tomorrow. I wrote it out down to when I do what things. I sure am hoping I will be able to do this. I'm a bit worried I won't be able to do this and have a hard time following up.
I made a nice dinner this evening. Homemade mac and cheese with sliced smoked sausage in it, beets, and garlic bread. It was yummy. I was also good and cleaned up after. Did the dishes, wiped down the counters, table and stove. And swept. It is a step towards getting off on a good foot tomorrow. I am about to go and layout everyone's clothes for the morning and maybe lay down and watch tv with Emma for a while. I am very tired tonight. I am also going to do a quick sort of the laundry so I can start on my laundry schedual tomorrow as well. I have each day broken down into different things to wash....Like, tomorrow will be bedding and towles...aka linen. Then all the other days have a person's clothes to be done with Joshua doing his things on Saturday. I am also hoping that if I know what I am supposed to be doing each day I will be more likely to do it. Thing with me is I always feel so lost. I don't know where to start and just get bogged down feeling overwhelmed. I really am hoping that a strict structure will help me know what to do when and I will feel better able to handle things around here.
Wish me luck. Night all. Love, Kai.

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