Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A quick update....well, kinda quick....

As per Miss Kayla's request...I am updating my blog. It was a rough day, and I am not going to go into details because I am just now getting over an upsetting incident that happened this morning, but suffice it to say....It was a less that stellar day. I am tired and sad, and determined to make tomorrow a better day.

Anyway.....Off to the good news....Actually the GREAT news!! As I posted a while back, my husband lost his job. Well....As of yesterday...He is now gainfully employed. And the best part is that he was able to get back into the banking industry....Which he likes so much more than retail. And if any of you out there have worked in retail, you know it is only one step up from working Fast food with even worse hours and treatment by upper management. I am soooo happy and proud that he was able to go out and find this job and now be able to take care of us in a way that he both enjoys and is proud of. I just send up a prayer that this place will be good for him and he will be able to do what he needs and wants to do. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Okay....Now....Lets see.....I have been on the Prozac for a while now, and I AM feeling better, but I am still not doing all the things I both need and want to do. I am trying, but I am failing most of the time. I desire to get both my home and life in more order. I have the sincere feeling and hope that if I do this I will help my husband be the man, husband, and father he wants to and was ment to be. I love him and want to be his help, and not his hindrance. And I feel that is all I have ever been to him. So...It's time to grow up, and step up. GOD HELP ME!!! So...I am going to be honest here. Flat out and bold face and up front. This place is a wreck. It has always been a wreck. I am not good at organizing things and I am very very bad about procrastinating. I have come to realize the the key to any kind of peace is going to be getting organized. The past few days I have been good about getting everything together for both Mark to go to work and the kids ready for school all the night before. That is a big deal for me. I haven't been able to do that very well in the past and it really makes the mornings alot easier for everyone if I do this one small thing. Instead of running around like a chicken with my head chopped off....I have everything at my fingers all ready, pressed and clean. So...That is a start....Just the first step of many. I hope...LOL. Anyways.....Tomorrow Miss Kayla and I are going to get started on my Homemaking Binder. I sure am hoping that it will help me to become the kind of wife and mother I am both ment and want to become. And again....GOD HELP ME!!! Please wish me luck. Later Gaters! Kai..........Ps...I was going to put a cute picture with this post, but I can't get silly Blogger to work with me...UGH. Maybe I will figure out why later, but I'm too tired right now. Night! Kai!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to talk with you! Glad Mark got a job, I hope it goes well and that greater opportunities present themselves.

As for blogger being a PITA, might be time to go beta, unfortunately. We'll look into that later.

Love, K