Monday, November 06, 2006

So far today......

It's been a few days since my last post. So I thought I should maybe pop my head in here and make a drop a quick note. Mark is out job hunting and he has an interview with Bank One on Wednesday.....PLEASE!!! Keep him in your prayers that he will find something soon!
We had a BBQ dinner on Friday at church. I took some shredded pork with homemade sauce and a pumpkin cake....they both went over very well. And we had alot of fun. I took the kids to see The Santa Clause 3 on Saturday. It was cute and they enjoyed the outing. Right now I am tring to get caught up on the Laundry. I am hoping to get it all washed and sorted through with the summer clothes put away by Friday. It's going to take me at least that long. I have alot to do.....4 full to overflowing hampers. UMMMMM.....I am also going to start on making some Christmas stuff too. Exactly what I'm not sure yet, but I am going to pull out my fabric and patterns and go through and find things to make, cuz it's gonna be a lean one this year. I know I have the stuff to make the kids each a set of pj's and a bath robe. I also need to think of things to make Marks family as well. I did that last year and it was a ton of fun. I am going to make candy and baked goods as usual..... but I haven't decided on what just yet. I am thinking about doing some homemade hot chocolate mix. We'll see. Everything is kind of up in the air at the moment. break is over....back to the laundry. Later Gaters....Love, Kristen Kai!

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