Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I did not sleep....

At all last night. I have so many thoughts and ideas that my brain just won't shut up. I honestly was awake all night long.
The main theme that has been running around in my head has been it's time to grow up and get busy. I have waisted the last 19 years waiting around for someone else to live my life for me. Someone else to do the work. one else is going to do it. I can't control or change anyone else but myself. Well, it's time. I have decide that I am going to need to make myself a very strict structured plan to help me take care of the things I need to take care of. I believe that in the structure I will find least that is my hope. There will be several steps to my plan and as soon as I get them all hammered out I will post them. I will be using my blog as a sounding board for my ideas....don't know if anyone will even read them, but I don't really care too much. It's more for me than anyone else anyway. When I have a better idea of what the steps to my plan are I will be back. Later Gaters! Love, Kai!!!

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