Okay....I'm a sucker for a good dance beat. I never used to be, but lately it has been what I want to listen to. For the last several years....like a decade or so....I have gotten out of listening to music very much. I used to do it alot, but have gotten out of the practice and spent too much time watching TV instead. So...for Valentines day, my oldest son, Joshua, bought me 2 new CD's I've been wanting. They are both by Gwen Stefani. I really like her music. I liked it when she was with No Doubt, but I also like her solo stuff. I have been wanting her albums since her first one came out a few years ago, but haven't broke down and bought them. I also bought for myself the new Justin Timberlake CD. All 3 CD's are very dance oriented and I am thoroughly enjoying them. I find that I want to get up and actually do stuff when they are on, instead of sit on my butt and watch the boob tube. HMMMMM......What an inspiration. LOL!
I was watching Oprah....yeah...so cliche...I know, I know....anyway..... They were talking about "The Secret", a book about living your authentic life and what it takes. I didn't get to see all of it, but I am going to get the book and read it to get some ideas. Anyway....one of the things one of the speakers said hit me.....He said, "Trying is failure with honor. Do it or Don't do it, don't try." And that really made me think. I find myself saying to my husband all the time, "But I'm trying!" Well.....NO MORE... I will no longer TRY....I will DO! I am no longer "trying" to get my home and life in order. I AM getting my life and home in order. Okay...enough sap for today...LOL.
Alright now....I admit...I am a major Carb addict. I suppose that's the first step. Admitting that I have a problem. My new obsession is Pappa John's Pizza's bread sticks! Dang....these things ROCK....they rock out loud! We got pizza for dinner last night and I didn't eat any pizza....just a bunch of bread sticks dunked in their garlic dipping sauce......can you say.....YUM! YUM YUM YUM YUM.....YUM!!! I knew you could! LOL. So...I'm sitting here right now eating leftovers of them for lunch and dripping butter all over the place, but they are OH SO GOOD. If you have a Pappa John's near you.....order some and pig out!
My goal for today is to get the Living room deep cleaned. I have started already. I cleaned off and dusted the entertainment center. And believe you me.....it was a HUGE job. It was so cluttered with trash and junk. I was amazed. But now my CD's all have a place and it doesn't look so junky. I am hoping to get to cleaning the carpet, but we'll see. I have to take both Josh and Mark to work and make a trip to "HELL"mart. We will see. I'll be happy with it being clean without the carpet done. So...that's the Goal.
That's all for today my little ones. Later Gaters! Kai